is a veteran owned business. After getting out of the Navy my life passion was to help honor as many veterans as possible and plant as many fruit trees as possible so communities can have access to clean health food. I have seen over the past 3 years how this brings the community together. In our shop you can purchase fruit trees to honor you veteran or activity duty military family or loved ones. By doing this you become a hero honoring our military, sharing their stories, and helping feed those who most need it.

Our Background
When you decide to shop at, you’re in for an exceptional online shopping experience. Since I have started gardening at the onset of working from home during 2020 it has been my goal to provide cheap heirloom seeds. Making them accessible to the general public to grow their own fresh health food as well. It is my passion to improve the quality of our seed packets as we grow in this business and will continue to update my supporters on that progress.

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