The Demolitionist Full Movie Download In Italian ##VERIFIED##
The Demolitionist Full Movie Download In Italian =====
One of the dumbest action films of the 1990s, DEMOLITION MAN is a film that hasn't aged particularly well at all in the intervening years since its release. It's one of those futuristic movies that presents a pretty dated vision of the future, all plasticky looking and fake. The script is pretty weak, presenting a great number of plot holes and contrivances as it lurches from one over-wrought set-piece to the next, although such problems are offset by plenty of humour which makes this a lively watch.On the plus side, Stallone is decent in the titular role, bringing at least some charisma to the part, and Snipes is typically effective as the villain. He's let down by the script's presentation of him as a noisy, overbearing character, irritating rather than menacing, close to Chris Tucker levels of annoyance in places. Even Snipes is better than an exceptionally weak Sandra Bullock and a badly miscast Nigel Hawthorne, who looks like he wants to be anywhere but this movie.As for the action, well it's noisy and explosive and chock full of pyrotechnic effects, pretty much as you'd expect from a 1990s era action movie. Only the final showdown between Stallone and Snipes is worthwhile, and even that scene alone is packed full of cheesy little throwaway bits that date it firmly in the early '90s (including the mandatory John Woo-inspired jump-while-firing-two-pistols shot). It's a pity that the studio meddled with the movie and cut huge chunks of the violence out, as it would have been interesting to see what was left on the cutting room floor. 2b1af7f3a8