Due to our dependence on technological Professional Email List gadgets, we are unable to make eye contact (and converse Professional Email List normally) with our friends and family and we feel on the edge of the precipice when we lose mobile coverage. For this reason, and aware that we are true slaves to technology, many of us try to do a digital “detox” to get rid of the hidden damage of our addiction to smartphones and other digital Professional Email List devices. It is enough to scroll minimally on Instagram or LinkedIn to verify that the digital "detox" is on the crest of the wave.
particularly at this time of year, when good Professional Email List resolutions take over us that unfortunately soon languish as the month Professional Email List progresses . But, to what extent is it effective to do a digital “detox”? If much of our life (professional life at least) is tied hand and foot to the phone, to what extent can we afford to give up the smartphone of our loves for a more or less prolonged period of time? The study «Digital detox: An effective Professional Email List solution in the smartphone era?
concludes that a digital "detox" in its most Professional Email List extreme aspect may not be necessary after all . «The effects of digital 'detox' on health, well-being, social relationships, self-control and performance can vary widely. Some studies Professional Email List suggest that 'detox' effectively translates into positive effects, while others determine, on the contrary, that there is no positive effect and that 'detox' can even Professional Email List translate into negative consequences for well-being, "say the authors. Of the report.