[UPD] Download Chessbase 12 Free
LINK ::: https://bltlly.com/2tiqYB
I just downloaded chess base 12. I am trying to figure out how to use it and am lost. The instruction book is 350 pages...I bought the base version for 99 Euros, but it doesn't seem to come with a database or an opening book. Do I have to purchase these separate
Just out of morbid curiosity I did a search of the archives and at least one post claims that the downloaded version does not come with a database. Lots of free database on the web of course. I do think you have access to the weekly download however. Sorry I couldn't be more help Mike, but there are a boatload of archived threads on chessbase. Try slogging through them.
I have never used this software before, I downloaded it for 99 Euros. I must confess it is really hard to know what to do. I have seen a number of videos about the software but they show heaps of chess engins. Plus heaps of games, database's etc. My ChessBase 12 looks empty and I don't know how to play a game, if I can play a game There are tons of things I can put in there that cost lots of money. Are there any tips about free programs I can use Especially chess engins, opening books, games I can create trees with. Anything at all I'm sure would be welcome. Thank you
If it only cost 99 Euros you probably have just downloaded the bare program (as others have already alluded to). You can't really do much with it alone, other than import small pgn databases that you might find on the web etc.
I did some homework on my own and have always been a fan of Chess Positional Trainer. So I downloaded the new version and looked up some videos on that software. I got hooked up with everymanchess.com, and boom I started downloading free ebooks for evaluation. Then I went to town and started to buy the ebooks at $22 USD. I am still waiting for the megadatabase etc by post, but right now I am in heaven. I have to admit I was very much in the dark a couple days ago when the CB 12 was empty.
The problem is that when I do the 'Opening Report' and the player 'Dossier', I find that my TheWeekinChess download games are ignored, I know this because all of the TheWeekinChess downloads are games from 2014 and none of these are shown in the Opening Reports (main lines) and player Dossiers (top players).
The Mega Database 2014 is in chessbase format and contains not only the games but several pre-requisite to all options proposed by Chessbase 12.So by using pgn files, you will find the games in your database but they are not optimize for the others options.
MegaBase also comes with an update service, where weekly downloads of 5000 games are provided for a year. As a point of comparison, we are currently at update number 49 for MegaBase 2015, and 245713 games have been added to the database with all updates included.
Every issue of TWIC, from #1 (Sept 17, 1994) through the current day (#1094 at the time of writing), can be downloaded from The Week in Chess website. The databases from issue #920 (June 25, 2012) forward are also available. Combining those 175 files, a user could create a free database with 495,966 (482,290 after killing doubles) games to study. Among them we find 640 games played by Vachier-Lagrave (the most in the database), 516 by Nakamura, 507 by Svidler, and 7 miserable efforts by Hartmann.
This would be sufficient as a first step in chess research and database use, but Crowther also offers his readers the possibility of downloading a copy of his complete, private database for a donation of 30. The database contains every game ever published in TWIC, and as of the last version (#1-1093) it contained nearly 1.8 million games.
The download and installation process for the Mega Database is fairly easy, but be warned: the main database is over a gigabyte of data compressed, so it will take some time to download. The installer required a few clicks, and soon enough, the icon for Mega Database 2014 was sitting in my ChessBase window, ready for my use.
(Note: ChessBase also publishes dozens upon dozens of training DVDs and downloads. Any one would probably be a welcome gift for your player, but recommending any specific training module would require some knowledge of your player, what openings she plays, etc. Peruse their wares at your leisure and see if maybe something strikes your fancy.)
Deep Fritz 14 is available at Amazon for about $80, and you can also purchase a downloadable version of the GUI / engine combo at ChessBase for about the same price. Both versions include a six month premier membership at Playchess.com, allowing your gift-recipient to watch videos and live tournament broadcasts online for free.
Houdini 4 comes in two flavors: the Standard, which runs on up to six cores, and the Professional, which will run on up to thirty-two. Houdini 4 Standard sells on Amazon for about $100, and the Pro version will run you $116. As always, you can order a downloadable version of the Standard and the Pro from ChessBase for about the same price. The ChessBase Houdini also comes with a six month premier Playchess membership.
Download ChessBase 16 full version program free setup for Windows. ChessBase offers more than 9.2 million games from the uppermost ChessBase quality standards along with key positions and provides direct access to players, matches, middle-game themes and endgames etc.
With the free ChessBase software, users can open all average file formats and play over games on a strikingly rendered board, watch ChessBase exercise videos and much more. All in a nutshell, ChessBase comes packed with more than 100,000 marked up games and offers leading collection of high-class evaluated games. 153554b96e