he number of advertisers investing in video ads is growing. However, the question of how and where to place ads for more profit still remains relevant. In this article, I will try to understand how to create your own advertising campaign on the most popular video platform, that is, on YouTube.Video ad formatsYouTube uses TrueView advertising, which does not reimburse the number of possible views, but the actual number of interactions/views. Also, promotional videos must be on the YouTube server.
To avoid the complications of downloading and choosing the right content format, the service specifies all the technical requirements necessary for video advertising.There are three YouTube ad formats:1TrueView InStream video ads;2TrueView Video Discovery C级执行名单 Ads;3Bumper ads.The main benefit of such a diverse approach is that you decide how much to pay for advertising, thus controlling your expenses and your coverage. Additionally, the length of a video ad can exceed the 30-second limit, which means you have more time to talk about your product. TrueView ads can run not only on YouTube, but also on display networks.TrueView In-Stream Video AdsTrueView In-Stream video ads may appear in any portion of the video being served, as long as it is viewed directly on YouTube or on sites and apps listed as Display Network partner projects.This ad format is effective for brand promotion. At the same time, it gives quite a low conversion rate. An effective advertisement should be short and expressive. A user should clearly understand what you expect from them. Forward traffic to your YouTube channel or to a landing page with additional content. This will help you increase user engagement and brand recognition.
Depending on company rules and watch time limit, video ads fall into two broad categories: Advertising On YouTube: Formats And Setup Tips 16261788129566Skippable ads are video ads that users can skip after 5 seconds of viewing. In this case, the ad view only counts if the user has watched at least 30 seconds of the video. The recommended length of such a video ad is no more than 6 minutes.Advertising On YouTube: Formats And Setup Tips 16261788129566Non-skippable ads. Such ads cannot be skipped or partially viewed. The duration of these announcements should not exceed 15 to 20 seconds.Each YouTube video ad displays a channel interaction panel, video title, and channel name. Use a call-to-action: For example, place a link to your website in the "Go to advertiser's site" block.Advertising On YouTube: Formats And Setup Tips 16261788129567TrueView Video Discovery AdsThese video advertisements are presented to the user in YouTube search results, in the "Related Videos" list. Such an ad is considered viewed after a user clicks on it. Keep in mind that YouTube is first and foremost a social network. So, in order for your ad to look organic, resonate with the main content, and not violate user rights, you need to adhere to the ad policy.